About the Diamond Club
The Staples Diamond Club, founded in 2005, is a volunteer organization made up of players’ parents and Staples baseball supporters working together to help the Staples Baseball program. The Diamond Club supports the baseball program through various fundraising and volunteer activities. The money raised by the Diamond Club is vital for ongoing operations of the baseball program. This has become especially critical over the last few years as the town has reduced the money allocated to extracurricular activities.
The money raised by the Diamond Club supports the following items:
- Salaries of assistant coaches on the Varsity, JV and Freshman level
- Subsidy of the year-end banquet
- Uniforms
- Facility improvements such as the 2008-2009 “Diamond Dreams” campaign that included improved drainage, a new infield, new dugouts and new stands
- Field equipment and maintenance
- Purchase of L-screens and other equipment
- Annual Varsity team trip
- Senior Day
- Video of games
- Little League Day to promote Staples baseball in our community
We are proud of our players as well as the top quality coaching staff and facilities we have. In order to maintain the quality to which you are accustomed, raising funds each year is an essential component along with the time volunteered by Diamond Club members. The Diamond Club wants all baseball student athletes to have a positive experience during their time at Staples and your support helps ensures that this vision continues to be a reality.
Please consider becoming a member of the Diamond Club or supporting the various fundraising activities.
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Diamond Club
Become a Diamond Club Member today and support the team while getting great rewards. For more information, click on the buttons below: