2015 Captains !
Ross Poulley & Ian Burns will be the 2015 Captains for the Staples Baseball team…Congratulations !
Ross Poulley & Ian Burns will be the 2015 Captains for the Staples Baseball team…Congratulations !
FCIAC Regular Season Champions Western Division Champions Overall -17-5 FCIAC- 16-2
LL All State – Adam Dulsky C, Sam Ellinwood INF All FCIAC- Adam Dulsky C, Sam Ellinwood INF All Western Division- Ben Casparius,Ryder
WARDE 010 160 3–11 10 0 STAPLES 200 141 0–8 10 3 Record: Staples 17-5 Staples- Robert Vallone, Justin Gallanty (5), Ian Burns (5)L 3-2, Ryder Chasin
GREENWICH 000 110 04–6 6 0 STAPLES 200 000 00–2 4 1 Record-Staples- 17-4 Battery – Staples – Rob Vallone ,Ben Casparius 5th (L 1-1),
Record Staples 17-3 Battery-Staples -Ian Burns (W3-1),Justin Gallanty 6th (Save) & Adam Dulsky HR- Staples- Ross Poulley Highlights- Staples- Noah Yokoi 2 Hits,Ben Casparius 2 Hits,Ross
Record : Staples- 16-3(15-2 FCIAC ) Batteries: Staples- Rob Vallone (W, 4-1), Ben Casparius (6) and Adam Dulsky 2B- Staples-Ross Poulley HR- Staples- Adam Dulsky,Ben
Record- Staples- 15-3 (14-2 FCIAC) Battery – Justin Gallanty , Ryder Chasin 6th (W 4-1 ),Alec Johnson 7th sv & Adam Dulsky 3B- Staples- Adam
Record- Staples- 14-3 (13-2 FCIAC) Battery-Ian Burns(W 2-1) , Ben Casparius 7th sv1, & Adam Dulsky 2B-Staples- Adam Dulsky Highlights- Staples-Noah Yokoi 2 Hits 1 RBI,
Record-Staples- 13-3 (12-2 ) Battery- Rob Vallone ( W 3-1) & Adam Dulsky 2B-Staples- Noah Yokoi Highlights-Staples- Noah Yokoi 3 Hits 1 RBI,Bryan Porter 2
Record- Staples- 12-3 (11-2) Battery-Ryder Chasin ( W 3-1),Justin Gallanty 7th & Adam Dulsky 2B-Staples- Noah Yokoi,Adam Dulsky HR-Staples-Ross Poulley Highlights-Staples-Ross Poulley 2 Hits 2
For more information about Staples Baseball, or about posts on this web site, please contact the coach, Jack McFarland.